The Octunnumi does not exist. Fosbit and any files relating to a Fosbit do not exist. The Tarelen peoples that protect and provide sanctuary for the Avitens of Fethrist are not real. The abilities of the Tarelen peoples with their heightened skills, living in their Utopian world are myth, their purpose here mere tales; rumours of their reincarnations enabling them to live many lives… ridiculous!
And there is definitely no magic. None at all. No, really, there isn’t. Magic is not a thing. There are also no hidden worlds or mythical beings coexisting just out of sight. Equally, there are no secret access points to these hidden worlds that don’t exist, and there is no, 'unfinished business from the past' that is set to destroy, well, anything. There is no disaster looming.
Anyway, regardless of any potential threat that may or may not be present, this publication, The Octunnumi and any reference to any other beings is a work of fiction. And for the record, Scariodintts, should they exist, are perfectly lovely beings whose purpose in life is grossly misunderstood.
No villains here... yet! Stay tuned for more intrigue. 🦹♂️.