Stones from the River

Book 1 of 1 in Burgdorf Cycle #1


by Ursula Hegi

Stones from the River embarks on a journey into the life of Trudi Montag, a Zwerg—a dwarf—perceived as short, undesirable, and different. This novel delves into the essence of being an outsider and the universal quest for acceptance and belonging. Trudi's story unfolds in a small town, amidst the tumultuous backdrop of World War II, where she becomes a beacon of hope and a sanctuary for those deemed different or in danger.

The narrative explores Trudi's discovery that being different is a secret that all humans share—from her mother, engulfed by madness, to her friend Georg, forced to live as a girl, to the Jews Trudi shelters in her cellar. Ursula Hegi weaves a profound tapestry of emotional power, humanity, and truth, offering a timeless and unforgettable tale.

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The characters here are on vacation. They'll be back with more tales! 🏖️.

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