Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth


by Ingrid Robeyns

Ingrid Robeyns, a world-leading philosopher and economist, presents a powerful case for limitarianism—the idea that there should be a maximum limit on individual wealth. In Limitarianism: The Case Against Extreme Wealth, she explores the ethical and democratic implications of wealth accumulation and its impact on society at large.

Robeyns provides a compelling argument for why extreme wealth is problematic, citing that it:

  • perpetuates poverty and inequality
  • is often linked to 'dirty money'
  • undermines democracy
  • contributes to climate change
  • exceeds what one can justifiably deserve

The book suggests that there are more constructive uses for excess money and that even the wealthy would benefit from a wealth cap. Through a radical reimagining of our economic systems, Robeyns ignites an urgent debate about wealth and challenges the foundations of capitalism and neoliberalism.

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