Burma Sahib is a riveting new novel from acclaimed author Paul Theroux, exploring one of English literature's most beloved and controversial figures—George Orwell. This biographical fiction delves into the early years of Orwell as an officer in colonial Burma, a time that transformed him from Eric Blair, the British Raj policeman, into Orwell, the anticolonial writer.
At the tender age of nineteen, young Eton graduate Eric Blair sets sail for India, filled with dread for the assignment that lies ahead. As a conscript trained to serve the British Empire, Blair is tasked with overseeing the local policemen in Burma. He must navigate the complex social, racial, and class politics of his fellow Britons while simultaneously learning the local languages and maintaining control over his men.
Faced with challenges to his self-worth and a sense that he is not suited for the role, Blair's experiences in the hot, beautiful land of Burma are overwhelming. His clashes with superiors and the unfolding drama in this setting ultimately lead to a profound transformation, forever changing the man known to the world as George Orwell.
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