
Various is a designation used when multiple authors are responsible for a single work, particularly in cases where the authors are unknown or where the list of authors is extensive. This term is often seen in the context of anthology collections or compilations that feature a variety of contributors.

The use of 'Various' is appropriate for books with multiple contributors, particularly when not all contributors are known or when the compilation includes a large number of authors, potentially exceeding 50. If there is a known editor for the collection, however, the editor's name should be listed as the primary author, with the role of 'editor.' Following this, the names of contributing authors can be included.

It is important to note that 'Various' does not constitute a single author but rather serves as a placeholder in bibliographic records for works that cannot be attributed to a single individual or a small group of individuals.

For those seeking detailed author information about works attributed to 'Various,' WorldCat is recommended as an excellent resource for researching the contents of anthologies and the contributors involved.

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