Vandana Singh

Vandana Singh is an Indian science fiction writer and physicist known for her deep and thought-provoking works. As a writer, she is celebrated for her contributions to the genres of fantasy, science fiction, and children's literature. Her notable works include the thought-provoking stories "Delhi" and "The Wife", as well as the popular children's book Younguncle Comes to Town.

Aside from her literary career, Singh is a Professor of Physics and Environment at the Department of Environment, Society and Sustainability at Framingham State University in Massachusetts. Her academic pursuits intertwine with her writing, often exploring complex themes related to science and society.

Vandana Singh's role extends beyond education and literature into the realm of science communication and outreach. She is a member of the Advisory Council of METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence), a non-profit organization dedicated to sending messages into space in hopes of communicating with other civilizations.

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