Steven Herrick

Steven Herrick, an Australian poet and author, has made a significant impact in the literary world with a prolific output of twenty-six books spanning across genres for adults, young adults, and children. Herrick's notable contribution to literature includes his pioneering work on verse-novels for children and young adults.

Born into a large family as the youngest of seven siblings, Herrick discovered his poetic voice early and had his first poem published at the tender age of eighteen. His academic pursuits in poetry led him to achieve a B.A. from the University of Queensland in 1982. Herrick's early career saw him performing poetry in Sydney's vibrant pubs and clubs, and his work was soon recognized by Mighty Boy Records, resulting in the release of his independent records, 'The Esoteric Herrick' and 'The Herrick Manifesto'.

In 1994, Herrick settled in the Blue Mountains with his family, where he began his foray into children's and young adult literature. His books have received multiple accolades, including the NSW Premier's Literary Awards and consistent shortlisting for the Children's Book Council of Australia "Children's Book of the Year Awards." His works have been translated into numerous languages and are widely used in Australian school curricula.

Steven Herrick's influence extends beyond his home country, with his performances and school visits around the world. He shares his passion for poetry and soccer with students internationally, and his literary success is complemented by his contributions to travel literature, documenting his cycling adventures across Europe.

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