Sarah Rees Brennan

Sarah Rees Brennan, born on 21 September 1983, is an Irish writer renowned for her contributions to young adult fantasy fiction. Her literary journey began with the release of her first novel, The Demon's Lexicon, in June 2009, published by Simon & Schuster. Brennan's works have found a special place in the UK, achieving bestseller status and captivating readers with their imaginative narratives and compelling characters. Beyond her novels, Brennan's literary footprint extends to a broader audience, reflecting her dedication to the genre and her ability to engage readers across different cultures.

Currently residing in Dublin, Brennan continues to enrich the young adult literary scene with her talent. With over a decade of writing experience, Brennan has explored various themes and stories, each serving as a testament to her versatility and passion for storytelling. She invites readers to discover a book within her bibliography that resonates, promising an unforgettable journey through the pages of her creations.

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