Randall Munroe

Randall Patrick Munroe is an American cartoonist, author, engineer, and the creator of the webcomic xkcd. He has a rich background that includes working as a NASA roboticist before turning his focus to creating xkcd full-time in late 2006. Munroe's work has garnered a significant following, with his webcomic developing a cult following. Beyond his well-known webcomic, Munroe has published several books, including xkcd: Volume 0, What If?, Thing Explainer, How To, and What If? 2. His contributions to science and technology, coupled with his unique humor, have made him a notable figure in both the scientific and comic communities.

Interestingly, Munroe's impact extends beyond his publications. The International Astronomical Union named an asteroid after him, asteroid 4942 Munroe, acknowledging the potential significant impact if it were to collide with a planet like Earth. He currently resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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