Matthew Dicks

Matthew Dicks is an American novelist, storyteller, columnist, playwright, blogger, and teacher. Born on February 15, 1971, his first novel, Something Missing, was published in 2009. He has since released several acclaimed works, including Unexpectedly, Milo (2010), Memoirs of an Imaginary Friend (2012), The Perfect Comeback of Caroline Jacobs (2014), Twenty-one Truths About Love (2019), and The Other Mother (2020). Dicks' novels have been translated into 26 different languages and are published in the UK under the pseudonym Matthew Green.

In addition to fiction, Dicks has authored notable non-fiction works like Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling (2018) and Someday Is Today: 22 Simple, Actionable Ways to Propel Your Creative Life (2022). He is the humor columnist for Seasons magazine and writes the "Ask a Teacher" column for Slate magazine. His writings have been featured in publications such as The Hartford Courant, Reader's Digest, Parents magazine, and The Christian Science Monitor.

Dicks is also the creator and cohost of the weekly podcasts Speak Up Storytelling and Boy vs. Girl. He is a record 60-time Moth StorySLAM champion and 9-time GrandSLAM champion. His stories have been widely broadcasted on The Moth Radio Hour and PBS’s Stories From the Stage.

Outside of writing, Matthew fills his days as an elementary school teacher, a marketing and storytelling consultant, a speaking coach, a wedding DJ, a minister, and a Lord of Sealand. He grew up in Blackstone, Massachusetts, and has been teaching for over 26 years.

Matthew Dicks is married to Elysha, his friend and fellow teacher, and together they have two children, Clara and Charlie.

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