Marc Levy is a renowned French novelist, born on 16 October 1961. He began his career as a lifeguard during his early youth and later ventured into the business world. At the age of 39, he published his first novel, which catapulted him to fame, making him one of the most read French authors of all time.
He is best known for his book If Only It Were True, a bestseller in the early 2000s French literary scene, which inspired the film Just Like Heaven by Mark Waters.
At 18, Levy joined the Red Cross as a lifeguard, working there for six years. In 1984, he moved to the United States and founded a digital imaging company called Rambow Images in San Francisco. Nine years later, he returned to Paris to start an architectural firm, Eurythmic Cloiselec, with two friends. At 37, Levy wrote a story for the man his son would become, which became his first novel.
Marc Levy's success continues today, with future projects including film direction and the release of his novel C'est arrivΓ© la nuit in France on 29 September 2020.