Kohei Horikoshi

Kohei Horikoshi is a renowned Japanese manga artist celebrated for his creation of the shonen manga series Ömagadoki Dōbutsuen, Barrage, and the internationally acclaimed My Hero Academia. All of these series have enjoyed serialization in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. Horikoshi's journey began in Aichi Prefecture, and his passion for manga led him to pursue an education at Toho High School, followed by the Nagoya University of Arts.

Before making his mark as a manga artist, Horikoshi worked as an assistant to Yasuki Tanaka, known for the manga series Summer Time Rendering, Hitomi no Catoblepas, and Kagijin. His love for storytelling and the manga world was influenced by childhood favorites such as Dragon Ball, One Piece, and Naruto. Horikoshi's talents were recognized early on when he received an Honorable Mention at Shueisha's 72th Tezuka Award for Newcomers with his one-shot "Nukegara".

In addition to his success in manga, Horikoshi is an avid fan of American superhero comic books, with a particular fondness for Marvel Comics. His works reflect a blend of Eastern and Western influences, capturing the hearts of readers around the globe.

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