Ki Longfellow, initially born as Baby Kelly and later known as Pamela Kelly, emerged as a distinguished American novelist, playwright, theatrical producer, theatre director, and entrepreneur, holding dual citizenship in Britain. Her literary journey is marked by a profound exploration of the divine feminine, with her novel The Secret Magdalene (2005) standing out in the United States for its innovative portrayal. Longfellow's diverse body of work encompasses a wide range of genres, including mysteries, thrillers, noir series, and a deeply personal memoir.
Her literary debut with novels such as China Blues (1989) and Chasing Women (1993) carved a niche for her in the realm of mysteries and thrillers. The launch of her Sam Russo Mysteries in April 2013, a noir series set in late 1940s New York City, further showcased her versatility as a writer. The fourth installment of the series was published in 2015, continuing to captivate readers with its intriguing plotlines. Walks Away Woman, a compelling narrative about a neglected Arizona housewife's journey into the Sonoran Desert, was published in December 2013, adding another dimension to her work. In 2018, Longfellow shared a more personal side with the publication of her memoir of her husband, The Illustrated Vivian Stanshall, a Fairytale of Grimm Art, illustrated by Ben Wickey, providing an intimate glimpse into her life and the relationship with her late husband, Vivian Stanshall.