Jessica Day George is a New York Times bestselling author, renowned for her work in Young Adult fantasy novels. Born on October 11, 1976, she currently resides in Utah. Her acclaimed work earned her the 2007 Whitney Award for Best Book by a New Author with Dragon Slippers.
George pursued her education at Brigham Young University, majoring in Humanities/Comparative Literature, where she indulged in courses such as Pottery and Old Norse. Originally from Idaho, she lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband and three children.
Her lifelong passion for books led her to choose a career in writing, resisting conventional career paths despite having worked various jobs, including at a wedding invitation factory, video store, libraries, and bookstores.
Besides writing, George has a plethora of interests. She enjoys knitting, playing musical instruments like the piano and viola, and has a penchant for languages, studying German, Norwegian, and Old Norse. Traveling, watching movies, and spending time with her family are also among her favorite pastimes.