Henry Kuttner

Henry Kuttner (April 7, 1915 dash; February 3, 1958) was an acclaimed American author known for his significant contributions to the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. His storytelling prowess extended beyond his solo work, as he frequently collaborated with his wife, C.L. Moore, to produce narratives that resonated deeply with audiences.

Throughout the 1940s, Kuttner's influence was profound, both alone and in tandem with Moore. The dynamic duo disseminated their work across a variety of pulp markets under numerous pseudonyms. Although their fantasy novels, primarily directed at the lower grade markets such as Future, Thrilling Wonder, and Planet Stories, have faded into obscurity, their science fiction writings continue to be celebrated for their sociological and psychological depth. Kuttner's legacy endures as he remains a pivotal figure for contemporary writers and a source of inspiration for future generations of science fiction authors.

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