Glen David Gold is a renowned American novelist, memoirist, and screenwriter, born in 1964. He is celebrated for his bestselling novels that delve into the roles of entertainment and popular culture in historical America. His notable works include the historical novel Carter Beats the Devil (Hyperion, 2001), which centers around Charles Carter, a real-life San Francisco stage magician who performed for President Warren Harding on the evening of Harding's mysterious death. This novel has been translated into 14 languages.
Gold's subsequent novel, Sunnyside (Knopf, 2009), offers a darkly comedic take on Charlie Chaplin's ascent to fame during World War I, drawing parallels with America's burgeoning role on the world stage. In addition to his novels, Gold has penned a critically acclaimed memoir, I Will Be Complete (Knopf, 2018), which has been highly praised for its depth and storytelling.
Beyond his writing, Gold has made a significant impact across various media, including comics, television, and podcasting. He is an authority on comics and graphic novels, particularly those by Jack Kirby and other creators of the Marvel Universe.