Christelle Dabos is a renowned French author, born in 1980 on the French Riviera. She grew up in an environment filled with classical music and historical puzzles. Dabos began writing during her university years, initially intending to pursue a career as a librarian in Belgium. However, following a health-related hiatus, writing became her escape, a means of reconstruction, and ultimately, her second nature.
Her most celebrated work is The Mirror Visitor quartet, a fantasy series that has captivated readers worldwide. This series has not only sold over a million copies but has also been translated into twenty languages. Dabos's debut novel, A Winter's Promise, won the first place at the 2013 Gallimard-RTL-Télérama First Novel competition, marking the beginning of her successful career.
Before gaining fame, Dabos was part of the Plume d'Argent community, an online collective of authors. This community, alongside the support of her family and friends, played a crucial role in encouraging her to pursue her literary ambitions.
Today, Christelle Dabos dedicates her days to writing, creating intricate worlds and characters that enthrall her readers. Her work is characterized by its imaginative storytelling and richly developed characters, making her a beloved figure in the world of fantasy literature.