Alice Feeney is a British novelist known for her works in the mystery and thriller genres. Born around 1988, Feeney had a significant career at the BBC, where she worked as a producer and journalist for about fifteen or sixteen years. She began her career at the BBC at age 21, taking up roles as a producer for the One O’clock News, as well as a reporter, news editor, and producer for arts and entertainment programs.
Feeney embarked on her writing journey with her first novel, Sometimes I Lie, which she worked on during her spare time and commute to work. She attended the Faber Academy writing course, completing her debut novel around the same time as the course ended.
Her works have gained substantial recognition and have been translated into over thirty languages. Notably, her novel Sometimes I Lie was acquired for television adaptation by Fox, with a project announced in November 2019 featuring Sarah Michelle Gellar. In 2020, television rights for her book His & Hers were secured by Jessica Chastain, Kristen Campo, and Endeavor Content, and Rock Paper Scissors is set to be adapted into a Netflix series.
Alice Feeney's books have achieved bestseller status with millions of copies sold, and her storytelling continues to captivate audiences worldwide.