Alex London

Alex London, also known as Charles London and C. Alexander London, is an acclaimed American author known for his works aimed at children, young adults, and adults. He has authored picture books, middle-grade and young adult fiction, along with adult nonfiction works. His diverse career includes experiences as a journalist and human rights researcher, having reported from conflict zones and refugee camps. Additionally, he served as a young adult librarian with the New York Public Library and even worked as a snorkel salesman. Alex resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with his husband and daughter.

His notable works include One Day The Soldiers Came: Voices of Children in War for adults, the Dog Tags series and An Accidental Adventure series for children, and Proxy for teens. He transitioned from journalism to a full-time novelist career, previously living in Brooklyn, NY, where he often explored the city with his dog who he humorously credits as the "real brains of the operation."

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