Agustina Bazterrica

Agustina Bazterrica is an Argentine writer, celebrated for her contribution to contemporary literature. Born in Buenos Aires, Bazterrica pursued her education in Fine Arts at the prestigious Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). She has carved a niche for herself with her evocative short stories and novels, earning acclaim and a bevy of literary prizes.

Her literary journey began with the novel Matar a la niña (Kill the Girl, Textos Intrusos) in 2013, followed by Antes del encuentro feroz (Before the Fierce Encounter, Alción Editora) in 2016. However, it was her 2017 novel, Cadáver Exquisito (Exquisite Corpse, Clarín-Alfaguara), that won her the prestigious Clarín Novel Prize and catapulted her into the international literary spotlight. The novel, strikingly translated into English as Tender is the Flesh, has been embraced by a global audience, resonating with readers across various languages.

Bazterrica is not only a profound voice in literature but also a dynamic presence in the Buenos Aires cultural sphere. She co-curated the innovative art event series Siga al Conejo Blanco and facilitates reading and writing workshops, sharing her passion and expertise with fellow writers including her friend Agustina Caride. Bazterrica's commitment to the arts extends to her critical work, contributing reviews and articles to a variety of platforms.

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