Adrian Czajkowski (known professionally as Adrian Tchaikovsky) is a British fantasy and science fiction author, born in June 1972. He is renowned for his acclaimed series, Shadows of the Apt, and his Hugo Award-winning Children of Time series. Children of Time was honored with the 30th Arthur C. Clarke Award in 2016. The novel was lauded by author James Lovegrove as "superior stuff, tackling big themes – gods, messiahs, artificial intelligence, alienness – with brio."
Adrian was born in Lincolnshire and pursued studies in zoology and psychology at Reading before practicing law in Leeds. He is an enthusiastic live role-player, occasional amateur actor, and trained in stage-fighting. His literary influences include Gene Wolfe, Mervyn Peake, China Miéville, Mary Gently, Steven Erikson, Naomi Novak, Scott Lynch, and Alan Campbell.